The Motifbox story began in 2018, when a senior graphics designer Manoj Upadhyay realized the need of sharing his previous work among budding designers. The sharing of work needed to connect different designers as a team, increase productivity and invent endless creative ideas.

A new way of working is born

In response, they decided to create a new web-based platform that brought creative visibility and give credit to parent designer. It was also realized that other businesses would be benefitted by reliable access to a larger pool of quality talent.They can also browse their work online and hire them as per the business needs. Manoj decided to start a company with the design of technology that would give designers a platform to share their best work and provide them tremendous resources designed by other fellow designers, helping them enhance their skills and growth in their career.

Worked hard to analyse the functionality required for technology that is the foundation of Motifbox — the free graphics resource download platform. With numerous designs posting on Motifbox daily, the designers are saving time by downloading ready to use high end graphic source files.

A world of opportunities

Through Motifbox 

  • Businesses can hire best available designers by previewing their work, 
  • Designers can use thousands of designing components readily available for downloading, getting access to the work of other designers can help them to create endless creative ideas. 

Motifbox makes it fast, simple, and cost-effective to find, hire, work with the best professionals anywhere, any time.

Motifbox's Vision

To connect businesses with great talent and hire for quality graphic needs.

Motifbox's Mission

To create economic opportunities for designers and a connect to your fellow designers so that people can enhance their quality of work and their lives as well.